Beyond the Facts:
A Passion for Learning

Proud Bnos Yisroel living, learning and loving Torah, in an environment of middos and warmth


We welcome you to Bnos Malka and invite you to learn how we have combined exemplary education with our legendary warmth. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!

2025-2026 Admissions - New families

If you are new to BMA and would like to apply, please click below to fill out an application in order to begin the admissions process. We will contact you to arrange an interview.

2025-2026 Admissions-Current families

If you currently have daughter(s) in BMA and would like to apply for another daughter, please use the link below to log into your account, and click the “Household Admission Applications” button.

School calendar

Important dates and reminders for the school year

Lunch menu

Delicious and nutritious meals served daily

Weekly newsletter

Take a peek at all the great stuff happening in our classrooms

Donations and Payments

Help us make a difference and a bigger impact

What people are saying


“The teachers have taken the time to really learn what strategies work for our daughter”

Our daughter knows she is part of the Bnos Malka family. She is succeeding academically and emotionally. The teachers have taken the time to learn about her unique skills and to really learn what strategies work for her in the classroom and in friendships, and have really grown to know her as an individual.

- Josh and Leslie Herbert, Parents


Thank you to the UJA of NY for their generous support of families during the pandemic.

Thank you to the EGL Foundation and CIJE for their support of the air filters for the classrooms.